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After eight years of purchasing, I have come to a very important conclusion


After working in procurement for eight years, I came to a very important conclusion: the relationship between procurement and suppliers is the same as the relationship between marriage!

  1. When purchasing, you need to develop suppliers, which is like finding a girlfriend.

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There are many people who fall in love with each other once they meet, but later they find out that this girlfriend has so many shortcomings, which makes them mad every day. -----So, in the first step of purchasing and developing suppliers, you must conduct more inspections and comparisons, talk first, then fall in love, then fall in love. But you can't fall in love, get married, and develop into a supplier as soon as you get in touch with him. There will be endless troubles!


  1. Supplier development sometimes requires a good match


The things I buy are bits and pieces every time, and the amount is not large. I can’t pay on time or don’t have enough working capital. And I like to accompany big money. In this way, it must be very tiring for those who do the shopping, just like some people who don’t have enough working capital. Culture, a poor and unattractive girl is like a rich second generation girl, even if she marries into the wealthy family, she may be kicked out of the wealthy family at any time! If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?


Why not just marry someone who has a similar background to your own and treats you well? Even if you live a life of men farming and women weaving, it is better than crying every day. Therefore, when it comes to "poor purchasing" of "poor products", you can just find an ordinary trader to handle it. It won't cost much more, but it will save a lot of trouble!


  1. After suppliers are developed, they need to be cultivated

Just like after marriage, we need to be tolerant of each other. No supplier is inherently good. After confirming cooperation with suppliers, continuous training and education are required. Step by step, it even includes how to make an appointment with you. You tell him that if he wants to make an appointment with you, he must write an email to arrange in advance and determine the content of the meeting in advance. After the appointment, minutes must be taken of the meeting, and follow-up must be carried out afterwards;


For another example, the delivery must bring a copy of the order, the package needs to be packed, how the packaging must be, etc. Over time, such a supplier can be cultivated into a "good wife and mother supplier", so that your work can be carried out It can be very simple to get up.


  1. After supplier development, in-depth cooperation needs to be developed


Many buyers encounter a product every day and then go to suppliers, but they don't know that if they don't develop a new supplier, it will increase a lot of management costs. In fact, it doesn't have to be like this. You can actually ask your suppliers to do many things. . The current procurement management model is very different from the past. Many companies are reducing the number of suppliers instead of increasing them.


  1. Divorce again if forced to do so


I have a foreign leader who says he won’t cooperate or cooperate every time the supplier doesn’t do well. This is a typical European marriage mentality! As a Chinese, I do not agree to threaten suppliers with the intention of terminating the partnership at any time, because under such circumstances, others will not be loyal to you. When you want to have a "one-time" relationship with someone, they will I also want to have a "one-time" relationship with you,


Therefore, whether the price is good or the service is good is not the focus of his thinking. What she thinks about is how to make a fortune. Having said that, there are also some women who need divorce to force them to become a good wife. Dear purchasing friends, it all depends on what kind of wife you meet.