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Yiwu’s political and procurement business environment is comprehensively optimized and upgraded


Yiwu’s political and procurement business environment is comprehensively optimized and upgraded


Since the beginning of this year, the Finance Bureau of Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province has focused on reducing costs and increasing efficiency, and has taken multiple measures to promote "zero movement", "zero distance" and "zero temperature difference" in government procurement services, achieving a comprehensive transition from "convenient services" to "value-added services" Upgrade to empower government procurement with a better business environment.


According to statistics, in the first half of the year, the city carried out a total of 151 government procurement projects, of which 141 were won by small and medium-sized enterprises, accounting for 93%. The actual winning bid amount awarded to small, medium and micro enterprises reached 541 million yuan, accounting for 96% of the winning bid amount.


Signing a contract with "zero running", digital empowerment reduces the burden. Since November last year, the Yiwu Municipal Finance Bureau has made every effort to create a pilot project for “expanding electronic and structured management of government procurement business”. In line with the requirements of the World Bank's "B-READY" business environment evaluation index that "e-procurement portals allow contracts to be signed electronically and have contract management and implementation modules", we actively promote the structuring of online platforms and the electronicization of procurement contracts. At present, functions such as electronic drafting and electronic signature of government procurement contracts have been implemented. This year, on June 28, a procurement contract for Yiwu Technology and Business College was successfully signed paperlessly, marking the official launch of the pilot in Yiwu. The new pilot can save both purchasers and suppliers costs such as paper contract printing fees and personnel travel expenses, and shorten the contract cycle.


"Zero distance" service, remote bid evaluation to increase efficiency. Improve the construction of the electronic transaction platform for the entire process of government procurement, give full play to the advantages of "Internet +" technology, and make every effort to promote the standardization and normalization of remote multi-site bid evaluation. The remote off-site review adheres to "resource sharing, improved efficiency, reduced interference, and transparent transparency" to realize resource sharing between Yiwu and experts in different fields across the country, saving travel costs and time costs, breaking the "small circle" of experts in the same region, and reducing bid rigging. Bid-rigging risk. At present, the entire project process has been transferred online, and all aspects of the transaction are traceable, ensuring the openness, fairness and impartiality of the bidding activities. In the first half of the year, the city has completed a total of 6 off-site review projects, including 5 cross-city linkage projects and 1 cross-provincial linkage project, which comprehensively improved the satisfaction and sense of gain of all parties.

Develop "zero temperature difference" and help enterprises to promote win-win results. The Yiwu Municipal Finance Bureau has taken multiple measures to support the development of small, medium and micro enterprises and promote win-win, sharing and common prosperity. On the one hand, the proportion of advance payments in government procurement should be increased. For small and medium-sized enterprises, the proportion of advance payments in contracts should in principle be no less than 40% of the contract amount and no more than 70% of the contract amount. In the first half of the year, the amount of advance payment agreed in government procurement contracts reached 284 million yuan. On the other hand, government procurement has increased its support for small and medium-sized enterprises. In the first half of the year, the procurement amount for small, medium and micro enterprises was 362 million yuan, and the actual winning bid amount awarded to small, medium and micro enterprises reached 541 million yuan. An online platform for the decentralized service market has been built to share corporate resources in 16 categories of decentralized services. Currently, 163 companies have settled in the platform. In addition, we will actively implement green procurement and procurement policies for agricultural and sideline products in poverty-stricken areas, and implement priority and compulsory procurement of energy-saving products, green products and environmentally labeled products. It is reported that as of the end of July, the proportion of green procurement of energy-saving and water-saving products reached 96%; more than 2 million yuan in agricultural and sideline products procurement in poverty-stricken